Monday, April 15, 2019

Chou Kadou Girl 1/6 ch9 (+Patreon announcement)

I watched the second episode of the anime the other day, and it's a little strange how they rushed right into chapter 5 when the end of chapter 4 was a perfect stopping point. Also, what's the deal with Mikoto appearing so early? I sure hope they don't plan to cram everything into 12 episodes, because that'll make it really hard for me to keep up... Well, if there's enough differences, then it'll be fine.

Also, I'm proud(?) to announce that I'm selling out by hopping onto Patreon. I'll be releasing chapters of this series as well as Taiga on there a little early, and I'm also planning to let supporters help decide what series I translate next in the future. The release pace of these series will not be compromised by this decision (Taiga will actually be released more frequently this way), and I plan to continue working on other series without any monetization (both current series like Memeko as well as some future series). If any of you are interested, then I'd be grateful for the support.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the new chapter!

    Just started reading this today, and already got a new release! 😁
