Monday, April 29, 2019

Chou Kadou Girl 1/6 ch15

Hooray, the best girl is here! This was honestly a pretty good chapter all around. One of the little touches that I really like is the DP System eating the chocolate part that regular Nona doesn't eat.

And for anyone wondering "Didn't Nona tell Vernois that Haruto was her husband in chapter 11?" it ends up that I missed that inconsistency when I first read this part (I'll admit I was still kind of skimming at this point), so I didn't notice Vernois's comment in this chapter, or her explanation in the next chapter (that Nona used the term "shujin" which can also mean "master" which is how Vernois interpreted it). I'll be localizing that line in the next chapter thanks to that flub (I don't know how I would've properly translated it in the first place anyways), just so you know.


  1. Many thanks for the new chapter!

  2. It keeps an amicable plot with neat stuff in the background like you point out, and a love of its subject matter. I'm really glad you decided to pick this up.
    Also: let it be known that ep 4 of the anime is when it showed its real potential as an adaptation
